Mobile App Design
Mobile App Design
Balance is a mobile calendar app that fills more than one or two of the niche needs by incorporating multiple calendar needs in one app.
Our UX team designed a calendar application called “Balance” that creates balance and harmony within one’s life, tracking patterns, goals, and life events in one place.
My Team
Ginger GL, Caroline B, Alaina H, Katie M
My Role
User Researcher, User Flow, Storyboard, Wireframe, Prototype, Style Guide, User Test
The Problem
Our design team observed that calendar applications are niche and specific to one activity and/or habit. How might we design an application that includes features such as a calendar, pattern tracker, and goal setting in an easy, compact, and personable format?
The Goal
To develop a user friendly application that tracks user’s calendars, patterns and goals that is more integrated than what is currently “out there”.
Step 1: User Research
Our first step in user research was creating a survey, of which 75 participants answered, so we had plenty of data to analyze. Some interesting stats that came out of the survey were:
Prioritization of Features:
Competitor Analysis:
Step 2: Definition & Ideation
Problem Statement: Our design team observed that calendar applications are niche and specific to one activity and/or habit. The design team is in the process of creating an application that encompasses many of these niche features. How might we design an application that includes features such as a calendar, pattern tracker, and goal setting in an easy, compact, and personable format?
User Flow:
Step 3: Prototyping & Testing
Lo-Fi Digital Wireframes:
Mid-Fi Digital Wireframes:
User Testing of Mid-Fi Digital Prototype:
Style Guide:
Step 4: Final Application:
IOS Final PrototypeAfter testing our mid-fi prototype, and creating a style guide, our UX design team created one final IOS prototype. The video expands on the features of the application.
Coded Final Prototype:
Step 5: Conclusion
For our final project, our UX team designed a calendar application called “Balance” that creates balance and harmony within one’s life, tracking patterns, goals, and life events in one place.
Process Steps:
Step 1: User ResearchStep 2: Definition and IdeationStep 3: Prototyping and TestingStep 4: Final
Moving forward our design team would hope to send the application off to developers to publish the application. The team also would like to integrate options such a mood tracker, health tracking, and a feature to coordinate other users.
Process Steps:
Step 1: User ResearchStep 2: Definition and IdeationStep 3: Prototyping and TestingStep 4: Final
Moving forward our design team would hope to send the application off to developers to publish the application. The team also would like to integrate options such a mood tracker, health tracking, and a feature to coordinate other users.
Future Steps
Moving forward our design team would hope to send the application off to developers to publish the application. The team also would like to integrate options such a mood tracker, health tracking, and a feature to coordinate other users.

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